After washing i use the Chi nourish intense Silk hair Masque. I use it on toweldry hair. So after washin i put this in my hair and leave it in for about 10 minutes. Because my hair is thick it needs some time to soak in the product. After rinsing it out; my hair feels really soft and silky and its easy to comb through. I'm very satisfied with the Chi products.

The Uniq one all in one treatment, is my protection shield before i blow dry. It's an all in one treatment (says the description on the bottle) thats takes care of: dry and damaged hair, shine and frizz control, heat protection, silkiness and smoothness, hair colour protection with uva/uvb filters, easier brushing and ironing, incredible detangling, long lasting hairstyle, splitt ends prevention, ads body.
I spray this in my wet hair before combing and dry blowing. I use this product for 5 months now and it grew on me. At first i wasn't enthousiastic about it. The substance is very thin (a bit milky) and somehow i think my hair needs something thicker and richer. I also don't like the scent of this product, it's smells a bit like after shave. Uniq one does make my hair easy to comb through and bouncier. So thats a plus. I think this product works even better, when your hair is not as thick as mine.

The Orofludo oil (maroccan oil) has a heavenly scent. So sweet! It smells like vanilla. This oil i rub into the ends of my hair to make my hair look shiny and healthy. Love this product. I use it every day to keep the shine.
Chi Silk infusion is also a leave in treatment. The product is a bit gel/oily like and it glides into your hair. It leaves your hair bouncy and shiny. The product actually contains silk. Not only your hair is smooth but your fingers too. So smooth my hairblower sometimes glides out of my hands.

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